This year’s Annual Conference of the Centre for the Resolution of Intractable Conflict (CRIC), like most such events in 2020, had to be held on-line. The theme was “Disruption and the multi-lateral system after COVID-19” and it was a very successful event with participants from Australia, Singapore, Japan and India in the East, through the Middle East, Turkey, Germany, France, Scandinavia and the United Kingdom and across the Atlantic to North and South America in the West. The videos of the presentations are currently being prepared for publication on the CRIC YouTube Channel and the CRIC web-site but meantime why not view this short clip that describes what we try to do in CRIC.
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CRIC Annual Conference 2020
This year’s Annual Conference of the Centre for the Resolution of Intractable Conflict (CRIC), like most such events in 2020, had to be held on-line.
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